The Cardinal Points of A Diet
Only g mail can store all that has been written on diets, if anyone can!
Why don't they work in that case?
Diets last only as long as our interest. We all need something to hold our interest and resolve.
Here are four points, like those of a compass that can help you stay on course.
North: Live near the bottom of the pyramid-the food pyramid that is. Eat relatively more of high-grain bread, pasta, boiled potatoes, fresh and green vegetables and fruits such as melons and cranberries. Eat sparingly of lean and white meat, dairy products, beans and nuts. Try and avoid fats, oils, butter and sugar altogether, or restrict intake as severely as you can.
South: Trade at the exchange-food exchange that is. Learn about the 7 types of food. Mix and match your meals. Stick to the calories you can afford, without going hungry. Enjoy new tastes all the time. Eat better than most yet stay trim and fit.
East: Watch your fuel tank-calorie tank that is. Most people need between 1500 and 3000 calories of energy a day, depending upon their age and state of health. Everything you eat or drink has a calorie value. It could be just 01 for a sugar-free soda or one thousand for a large combo meal with fries and shake. Plan your meals, make up for any treat and do not fill more fuel than your tank needs to hold!
West: Check your balance-nutrition balance that is. You need a mix everyday, of all the things with which your body works and grows. Excess of any one thing can make you ill, as can the absence or not enough of another. There is a daily allowance that you must get of each ingredient, to stay healthy. A log of all that you eat and drink can yield important information about things you lack and those who take too much.
These 4 points can keep you on course for life. Eat sensibly and promote wellness!
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