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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Can diabetes affect our sensuality?

High blood sugar affects the power of muscles to contract. This affects both men and women from head to toe, and the male reproductive organ, the penis, is the most dramatic organ to suffer. Men may continue to feel a sexual drive, and they can continue to produce semen. However, erections will become progressively weaker and shorter in men in whom blood sugar continues to be high. Sexuality also has muscular requirements from women, and they do will find it increasingly difficult to participate in intimacy, if they suffer from uncontrolled diabetes.
Signs of muscular weakness during intercourse are important indicators of cardiac insufficiency, and may often be accompanied by tingling sensations in the toes. This is because veins are unable to contract to return blood from the far reaches of the body. The overall condition is potentially fatal if left untreated. So do not treat failure to achieve a hard penis or a contractile vagina as a matter of shame or neglect, but see your primary care physician soon.



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