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Saturday, April 16, 2005

How to help with Multiple Myeloma Management

You can help manage Multiple Myeloma without being a doctor.

Stay away from sources of infection, if you have the disease.

Keep patients away from infection sources, if you have a loved one who suffers from the disease.

Modern medical science has many ways of managing this serious condition. You will make the doctor's job much easier if you help by keeping infection away.

Treatment for multiple myeloma reduces the body's normal ability to fend off infection. The doctor may get the disease under control, but you can help in significant manner by mitigating the side-effect of reduced immunity.

Air borne infection is the most threatening and is difficult to control. Avoid close proximity with all people. Keep in mind that some of us may carry infection without outward symptoms. Hence keep as much physical distance from people as you can, so that germs carried by their breath or cough does not reach a person with Multiple Myeloma. Make a special effort to stay away from crowded public places where you may be exposed to a large number of infection carriers, especially if they are in enclosed areas that are heated or air-conditioned. The circulating air in such conditions could be very contagious.

Do consider spending most, even all your time in a room with an ionic air filter. Make sure that all surfaces in such a room are cleaned at least once a day with anti-microbial cleaners. Tactfully ask people with infections, or those who may have come in contact with an infection, to keep away.

These are a few of the things that can help battle Multiple Myeloma. They are things that patients and their families must do as the doctor cannot keep watch all the time.

Please post your experiences with Multiple Myeloma Management here, and ask questions as well, or email in confidence to



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