Health Literacy

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Terrible Truth about Tingling Toes

Neuropathy and hypertension may mean little to those who have not studied medical science, but a tingling sensation in the toes is something no one can afford to ignore. It could be a sign of defects in the heart and circulatory system, or damage to nerves. High blood sugar, obesity and a sedentary life style could be root causes. Every day counts for the management of diabetes and hypertension, so you should seek a quick check of your blood pressure, heart function and glucose tolerance by a doctor.

Fortunately, modern medicines can produce quick improvement of these metabolic and system disorders, and a doctor can put you on the road to correction of any defects that have crept in to your bodily functions. You will have a major role yourself, with respect to prescribed diet and regulated exercise.



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