Health Literacy

Take charge of your body and mind, help your doctor make you well and reduce disease incidence in your community. 24 hour guaranteed free response to any question on health that you want to ask

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Two thirds of the nation needs guaranteed weight loss!

New Federal dietary guidelines say that we eat too much of the wrong things as a Nation!

One third of all Americans have a BMI (Body Mass Index)* over 30. This means that they are at serious risk of Type II diabetes, coronary heart disease and kidney failure and are probably very unhappy with the way they look as well!

Information written and reviewed by experts indicates that simple weight control measures can make a big difference in quick time. It is possible to eat well and to keep hunger at bay, even as we steadily achieve a normal Body Mass Index*.

The enormous financial burden of our Health Insurance System calls for a critical analysis of health issues to affect policy for our future health as a people. The Federal dietary guidelines have been issued before and information sharing institutions must ponder on why we keep getting fatter!

It is easy to make a few tweaks in eating and food preparation habits, to stay healthy and satiated at the same time. A Nutrition expert would love to make each one of us a diet that is delicious and that works at the same time. Knowledge of the food pyramid and the food exchange concept are keys to achieving health literacy in the matter of diet and fitness. The Federal report mentions changes we need to make in exercise habits as well. These can be as easy as walking from the car park and there are many enjoyable ways to work off the fat.

The Nation will change with us. Start today and read the Federal report. It applies to you and can improve your wellness and longevity through its friendly advice.

Post here or write to

if you would like a full account of the Federal report.

*email your height and weight to the address above, if you would like to know your BMI.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Empower women with information resources for community-based health care

A simple health information center that acts as a women’s forum for discussion, news and information, can be a most productive way of improving healthcare basics in a group of people. Women continue to play pivotal roles in family health and wellness. They can make dramatic inroads in to debilitating disease and sickness if they have access to quality information written and reviewed by experts. Much of this is already available and just needs some care and creativity to make it accessible to women who can put the knowledge to good purpose.

Prevention will always be the plank on which productivity of investments in public health can be built. The mother and wife are at the vanguard of community health and Departments of Health and Human Services must work through this channel if the State is to have any meaningful role in building information sharing institutions. Health literacy will be off to a flying start if a nation makes a concerted and sustained effort to improve the health of all women. Menstruation, menopause, diet and fitness are fundamental issues that act as prerequisites for improving health care for people at large.

Investments needed in preparing guides and for health worker training are fractional compared to the massive amounts needed to make cutting-edge medical technology available for the elite. The ethics of prolonging life for exceptions or for treating effects of unbridled spread of obesity is tenuous, as long as large numbers of women have no doctor and allow disease to take root in their homes, because they are denied access to relevant and quality information.

The health insurance model is bursting at its seams and we must take affirmative action to restructure a way out of the quagmire. Priority resource allocation for the empowerment of women through health literacy is a beacon in the darkness, too bright to ignore. It will take us ashore steadily and with certainty and we can afford the pittance it will cost as well.


Sunday, April 17, 2005

Your imagination helps fight Multiple Myeloma!

Take heart from the wonders of modern medicine!

You have a much better chance to win the battle against Multiple Myeloma than was possible just a few years ago.

Your doctor will use the latest proven methods and medicines to try and make you well in the shortest possible time.

You can help your doctor in this task even if you are not a medical person yourself. You can also help others with Multiple Myeloma live better with pain.

Multiple Myeloma often results in bone pain that can be rather severe. This is due to local inflammation and growth of some affected bones. It can also happen because Multiple Myeloma causes calcium to come out of bones, making them weak and brittle.

Rest assured that your doctor will do everything possible to reverse or arrest the course of the disease. What can you do in the meantime?

Help yourself and others to manage the pain!

Pain is a subjective manner. The doctor must go by your reports-he or she has no independent way of being sure of how bad your pain is. The doctor will prescribe pain killers to help you cope with the pain. Most pain killers have side-effects that must be taken in to consideration when a prescription is prepared.

Help your doctor by using imagery and relaxation methods to manage your pain. These methods will help the pain killers your doctor prescribes, do more for you. It will help you live better with the pain until your doctor succeeds in making you well again.

Please post your pain-management experiences with imagery and relaxation methods here or ask for sources where you can learn more about these methods. You can also email in confidence to


Saturday, April 16, 2005

How to help with Multiple Myeloma Management

You can help manage Multiple Myeloma without being a doctor.

Stay away from sources of infection, if you have the disease.

Keep patients away from infection sources, if you have a loved one who suffers from the disease.

Modern medical science has many ways of managing this serious condition. You will make the doctor's job much easier if you help by keeping infection away.

Treatment for multiple myeloma reduces the body's normal ability to fend off infection. The doctor may get the disease under control, but you can help in significant manner by mitigating the side-effect of reduced immunity.

Air borne infection is the most threatening and is difficult to control. Avoid close proximity with all people. Keep in mind that some of us may carry infection without outward symptoms. Hence keep as much physical distance from people as you can, so that germs carried by their breath or cough does not reach a person with Multiple Myeloma. Make a special effort to stay away from crowded public places where you may be exposed to a large number of infection carriers, especially if they are in enclosed areas that are heated or air-conditioned. The circulating air in such conditions could be very contagious.

Do consider spending most, even all your time in a room with an ionic air filter. Make sure that all surfaces in such a room are cleaned at least once a day with anti-microbial cleaners. Tactfully ask people with infections, or those who may have come in contact with an infection, to keep away.

These are a few of the things that can help battle Multiple Myeloma. They are things that patients and their families must do as the doctor cannot keep watch all the time.

Please post your experiences with Multiple Myeloma Management here, and ask questions as well, or email in confidence to


Friday, April 15, 2005

Check your toothpaste and cleaning products now!

We all use toothpaste and have chemicals around the house for cleaning dishes and whatever else.

Some of these will contain a chemical called Triclosan.

Reports have surfaced today that Triclosan may be harmful for your family and you.

Check the labels of your toothpaste and the cleaning agents that you may have in the home.

Ask your doctor if you should switch to a substitute without Triclosan.

Ask the manufacturer to let you know, in case you do not find reassurance on the toothpaste or cleaning product label, about whether any of them contain Triclosan.

Post here or email if you need help to find a substitute toothpaste or cleaning agent that does not contain Triclosan, or if you would like more information.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Emergency! Burn first aid and care

Start by separating the person with the minor burn wound from the cause. The latter may be open flame, a source of extreme heat such as steam or a hot surface, a chemical, a source of electricity, or in rare cases, radiation leakage. The minor burn wound may be repeated if the patient, especially if very young or disoriented by the accident, comes in contact with the cause of the injury again.

Next, cool the minor burn wound with running, clean water at ambient temperature. It is tempting to think of ice or very cold water, but this could harm healing and recovery. Water itself can be the source of aggravation if dirty and carrying germs, but you may not have sterile water or water free of infection at hand, so just use the cleanest water that you can find.

Stop bleeding if it occurs. This is best done by keeping the injured part elevated and using a long piece of cloth such as a tie, as a tourniquet. Take off contact lenses if the eyes are involved. Loosen belts, shoes and all forms of tight clothing around the wound as the site may swell, making such clothing difficult to remove later. Remove clothing contaminated with a corrosive chemical, taking care not to allow the material to come in contact with other parts of the patient, with other people or you. It may be best to use a pair of scissors or a blade to separate the patient from contaminated clothing. Clothing that may be in direct contact with the wound has to be left alone. You may cause more damage by trying to rip it off the wound. Disconnect power supply in the event of a short circuit or any electrical defect.

Calm the person with the wound and keep him or her warm. Avoid people crowding around and attend to relatives and friends who may display hysteria as well. Fear and pain may harm the patient more than the wound itself. Ensure that the patient breathes normally and has access to fresh air.

Now inspect the wound. Call for a doctor or move the patient to an emergency room, if the skin at the site of injury is broken and if flesh and blood is visible. Keep such open wounds away from dust and human breath as air borne pathogens pose a risk for the patient. Use a sterile dressing to cover open wounds, if available. Use cotton wool, light cloth or the cleanest material at hand, to cover the wound, if the atmosphere appears dirty as may occur in a road or rail accident in the open. Such covering will cause terrible pain when removed, so try and keep the wound open in a relatively clean place or prop up the dressing in a manner by which it covers the wound without actually touching the tissue beneath.

A single burn wound, less than 1 square inch in size, in an adult with normal health, with intact skin, should heal on its own without further care or attention. However, multiple wounds, those with sizes over 1 square inch, wounds in children less than five years old or the diabetic or those with compromised immunity, all need a visit to the doctor, no matter how minor they may seem. All incidents that involve radiation leakage should be notified to the police as well.

The final step in the care of minor burn wounds is to audit the incident to learn about how recurrence can be prevented, to identify all potential hazards, including those that might not have been involved in the incident and to equip people and the place with comprehensive first aid kits and knowledge to manage such matters better in future.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Adolescent Health

A mark of Civilization is the respect and place given to women. Modern times have new and additional challenges for ladies. They now have to manage their careers and professions apart from the home and the family. A job entails stress, travel, awkward food habits and the like. The biological process of menstruation and the role of motherhood, continue in the midst of a hectic work schedule. Clearly, a woman needs excellent physical health and a sound mind, to realize her full potential in this world. Longevity has increased and continues to do so. Today’s children can hope to live to over the age of 100. Menopause occurs around the age of 45 in most women. Living well in this stage of life, calls for extra care, as the body has to adjust to the absence of the female hormone, estrogen.

The foundation of excellent health should be laid during the teenage years. The first two years after puberty are most important for physical and mental development. This is normally between the ages of 11 and 13 for most girls. Height increases rapidly at this time. The body begins to take the full female form and the mind matures. Girls grow up earlier than boys. Most boys reach puberty only between the ages of 15 and 17. Girls have become young adults by this time!

Young girls have to be careful. An improper or unbalanced diet can result in poor health and a weak physique. Skin and hygiene problems are common. Some of these matters are difficult to correct in adult life. Learning disabilities and fear of examinations can occur. Some children do not find time to play sports and games and this affects their muscle tone and stamina.

Some diseases and deficiencies do not have apparent symptoms, especially in the early stages. We may not feel acutely ill, though we are not in the pink of health. There is no need to suffer in silence. A thorough Medical examination once a year should be able to take stock of your health and help you make an improvement plan. Such an assessment should cover the physical condition as well as the state of mind. A lady should do sensitive parts of the examination and your mother must always be present. The doctor will do her best to make you comfortable. You can also use the occasion to ask questions about your health, your body, your feelings and your relationships with others. You can ask these questions in private and in confidence. You can also seek information through the email, without revealing your identity.

It is normal for the body and the mind to undergo many changes during the teenage years. You should have easy access to reliable information, so that you can understand what is going on. You should also be able to make informed choices about how you would like to be when you become an adult.

Menstruation is a key part of a woman’s life. The female hormone estrogen is produced during the monthly cycle and it affects you from head to toe. Periods should come on time and should not cause you undue distress. Your doctor can address any issues that you may have. Do not suffer from scanty, heavy, untimely or painful periods.

Growing up brings responsibilities. You must be aware of the dangers of nicotine, narcotics, alcohol and related substances to which fatal addiction is possible. You should also know about the anatomy of both sexes, the physiology of reproduction and the possible spread of disease through another person’s body fluids, including saliva.

Another important aspect of growing up is ensuring that you are at least as tall as the taller of your two parents. Your skeletal growth will accelerate during the first two years after puberty and will reach a peak when you are 25. The skeletal mass remains constant thereafter until you reach menopause. The calcium, iron and hormones in your body drive skeletal maturation. Diet and exercise as well as normal menstruation, are essential. Sound waves beyond the human ability to hear, are used to study bone hardness and elasticity. This is called ultrasound of the bone or osteosonography.

Osteosonography is a painless test done on your fingers. Results are stored in a computer so that your annual progress can be measured. This test may form a part of your Annual Medical Examination.

You need to decide on treatment and actions based on your Medical Examination. The objective is to make you fitter and stronger for the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead for you. Your Family Doctor should help you in this regard and you should pay heed to what this Family Doctor decides in your best interest.

Post your questions and comments here

or email in strict confidence to


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Migraine in children

There are 3 kinds of causes: first, changes in the surroundings or environment of the child; second, changes in physiology or the functioning of the child’s body, and third, psychological reasons, related to how the child’s mind works.

Sudden changes in weather, such as drenching rain or very bright sunshine is one kind of environmental trigger for a migraine attack in a child. An airplane journey from a place at sea place to a destination high up in the mountains, results in a sudden change of altitude, and this can be another cause of migraine. Foods that contain certain chemicals can also make a child react by way of a migraine episode. Chocolate, cheese, fermented dishes; pickles, some citrus foods and cured meat are known to cause migraine in some children. Other children may react to extremes of temperature. Toxic fumes in a bus, garage or in a room of smokers can bring about migraine in a child, as can loud noise, bright, flashing lights and strong odors, including pleasant ones such as perfume.

The child’s body is a beehive of activity all the time, with many different systems and organs at work in a coordinated way. Changes in this system of functioning or Physiology, are common causes of migraine attacks in children. Teenage girls are especially vulnerable, as migraine can occur during the ovulation phase of menses. Children with unusual sleep patterns are vulnerable to migraine headaches. The habit of sleeping late or of studying late into the night can both cause attacks. A change of pace as between a holiday and a day for school can also bring on an attack. Excessive mental strain as during a test or sudden bursts of physical strain as during a sports meet, are common causes of migraine attacks. Children need to eat at regular intervals in an orderly fashion. A rushed breakfast or worse, skipping breakfast to reach school in time, can bring on an attack.

The third set of reasons for migraine in children can be the most difficult to identify as they lie buried deep in the mind. Children can suffer from fear, anxiety and depression. Rebellious teenagers may have repressed anger at authority and establishment. Any of these feelings may be the root cause for repeated episodes of migraine, even when environmental and physiological causes have been eliminated. This may require a formal mental health assessment for proper diagnosis. A secure family and school environment with frequent and close dialogue between parents and their children can help to identify and then remove psychological cause of migraine. It may be useful to revisit the goals that the child has set or that others have set for the child, and ensure that such aims are feasible and within the child’s capabilities.

The causes of migraine in children are numerous and varied. Some children may be genetically disposed to a highly excitable nervous system. They respond to external and internal stimuli in a very individual manner. Hence the cause of migraine in one child may have no relevance for another patient. It is therefore necessary to maintain a diary and record the situation in which migraine occurs, the duration, frequency and severity of attacks and the patterns they follow. It may take several visits to a doctor and a process of elimination, before the diary reveals the true cause for migraine attacks in a particular child.

You can make a post here or email in confidence to for more information or for help in a specific case.


Monday, April 11, 2005

FIRST AID for joint pain

A joint is where two bones meet, as in the spine from neck to back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, heels and toes. Each joint is cushioned by connective tissue and most joints are lubricated with fluid as well.

The first thing to do in case of joint pain is to try and relax. The pain may have been brought on by stress and worry and distress and brooding will only make it worse. A cheerful and positive disposition will help ease the pain until you can see a doctor.

Rest the joint until the pain subsides but remember that disuse could have caused the pain. Hence it is important to keep the joints that do not pain mobile and to try and start moving the painful joint as soon as possible. Each joint has a radius of movement and you can try and exercise each joint to the point that you do not feel pain. Do not force the joint to move into a limit where the pain is aggravated. The radius of painless movement will increase with time. Yoga has a number of postures that help ease joint pain and later, prevent its recurrence. A physical therapist will also be able to demonstrate exercises to treat and to prevent joint pain.

Balms, gels, creams and ointments abound in pharmacies and do not need prescriptions from doctors. They can be used topically to relieve joint pain, albeit temporarily. Most of them act by giving a burning sensation and lubricate the joint as well. Use a little on a small area and check that your skin does not react to the agent before using it all over the painful joint.
Do not apply any of these agents on wounds or broken skin.

Keep a joint elevated if you notice a swelling as this will help drain the excess fluid by gravity. Avoid red meat and fruits and vegetables with small seeds, such as tomatoes, eggplant and lady’s finger. It is possible that the joint pain is due to a defect in the body’s functioning and continued consumption of the foods mentioned will aggravate the pain. However a doctor will need to test your blood to confirm as to whether the joint pain has anything to do with diet.

Some nutritional supplements help treat joint pain. They can be used without a prescription though you should keep the doctor informed about their use. Extracts of crab shells and certain medicinal herbs help reconstruct the connective tissue that keeps joints in place. These nutritional supplements would not provide immediate relief but they are effective in preventing recurrence of pain.

Incorrect sleeping, sitting or standing postures can contribute to joint pain, especially in the back. Choose a hard surface to lie on to ease back pain, lie on your stomach if the pain radiates down either leg, and do not sleep in the draft of a fan or an air-conditioner. Choose a chair with appropriate back and neck support and remember that a protruding belly can cause the back muscles to hurt.

Women have an additional problem. A back pain may result from a pelvic inflammation and an infection is a common cause. Intimate hygiene will help to prevent such a situation.

The list of steps described above is not a substitute for an orthopedic examination of a painful joint by a doctor. The latter is particularly required if the pain persists or spreads to other parts of the body.

Joint pain arises from a number of different causes and it takes a skilled and experienced doctor, with some blood and other tests, to arrive at a correct diagnosis. Arthritis is a common reason for joint pain. It is an inherited disorder and is aggravated by stress, worry and in cold and damp weather. Blood tests can confirm the presence of an arthritic condition.

Gout is another reason. It is characterized by violent and shifting spasms of pain. Gout is a metabolic disorder.

Old age and a sedentary lifestyle cause some muscles to lose tone and for joints to lose mobility because of disuse. This is most often the case with knee joint pain. Obesity aggravates such a condition.

Back pain in women may be due to a swollen uterus and in both sexes, is also caused by inadequate strength in the back muscles. A nerve displacement will cause sciatica, a condition in which pain will radiate from the back along one lower limb.

The hips have ball and socket like joints and old and obese people may suffer from necrosis or death of the head of the femur, which is the bone in the thigh. This results in pain in the hips, especially when a sufferer stands up.

Most cases of joint pain can be relieved to a large extent by the remedies mentioned in this article. A doctor can arrive at a firm reason for persistent and shifting pain and suggest effective therapeutic and surgical measures for a permanent solution.

Please email for more information and specific help. You can add an SMS on 00919820188291 in an emergency or schedule a net meeting at or a Skype call at drsbanerji


Sunday, April 10, 2005

Guiding Principles for Exercise

April 10, 2005

The importance of regular and appropriate exercise is so widely known now, that it scarcely bares mention. Choosing the right form, duration, frequency and intensity is less well understood. People without personal trainers or other access to professional physical therapists, should keep the following principles in mind.

  1. Everyone needs a physical examination before starting a regimen of physical exercise or a physical sport. The heart, lungs, blood and endocrine system may be unfit without apparent symptoms. These factors have to be corrected at the outset and monitored regularly for one to stay out of harm’s way.
  2. Stretching exercises keep the joints mobile and prepare the body for more vigorous action. Yoga is very helpful in this respect, though some poses or ‘asanas’ may be contra-indicated. One must warm-up before and cool-off after strenuous exercise. Sudden build-up or stoppage can cause injuries and pain.
  3. Muscle-building, if that be the aim, is more durable with free arm, high repetition routines. Short jerks with heavy weights can cause injuries and will not last though they may flatter with short-term demonstrable results.
  4. Walking is an excellent calorie-burner, enjoyable and relatively safe. Jogging is for the young and slim and for those with well developed joints. Stamina in either form should be built up in a phased and gradual manner, and under medical supervision. Water and electrolytes lost through perspiration should be replaced in proportion and as frequently as possible. Walking and jogging duration and intensity can also be tailored to one’s breathing and heart rate, again under expert supervision.
  5. It is best to exercise on an empty stomach or after fluid intake, in cool and shaded weather. Exercise soon after a full meal, in direct tropical sun or after illness or with injury is ill-advised.

One person’s exercise can be another’s recipe for ill-health or even an adverse incident. Do not apply professional instructions for one person to any other, or even to the person for whom it was intended, if not implemented immediately and monitored. Physical therapy prescriptions are person and time specific.

E mail for personal information and counsel or see your doctor in person.

Stay fit and mobile!


Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Cardinal Points of A Diet

April 09, 2005

Only g mail can store all that has been written on diets, if anyone can!

Why don't they work in that case?

Diets last only as long as our interest. We all need something to hold our interest and resolve.

Here are four points, like those of a compass that can help you stay on course.

North: Live near the bottom of the pyramid-the food pyramid that is. Eat relatively more of high-grain bread, pasta, boiled potatoes, fresh and green vegetables and fruits such as melons and cranberries. Eat sparingly of lean and white meat, dairy products, beans and nuts. Try and avoid fats, oils, butter and sugar altogether, or restrict intake as severely as you can.

South: Trade at the exchange-food exchange that is. Learn about the 7 types of food. Mix and match your meals. Stick to the calories you can afford, without going hungry. Enjoy new tastes all the time. Eat better than most yet stay trim and fit.

East: Watch your fuel tank-calorie tank that is. Most people need between 1500 and 3000 calories of energy a day, depending upon their age and state of health. Everything you eat or drink has a calorie value. It could be just 01 for a sugar-free soda or one thousand for a large combo meal with fries and shake. Plan your meals, make up for any treat and do not fill more fuel than your tank needs to hold!

West: Check your balance-nutrition balance that is. You need a mix everyday, of all the things with which your body works and grows. Excess of any one thing can make you ill, as can the absence or not enough of another. There is a daily allowance that you must get of each ingredient, to stay healthy. A log of all that you eat and drink can yield important information about things you lack and those who take too much.

These 4 points can keep you on course for life. Eat sensibly and promote wellness!

Make a post here or email in confidence to for more information and for help


Friday, April 08, 2005

Health literacy: how to be a model patient

Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) will soon be a reality throughout the United States. You will not then need hard copies of your medical records, but until we reach this stage all over the world, you should have an updated and comprehensive medical file and carry it whenever you travel abroad. Few things can be as confusing for a doctor than a patient with partial or no record of past medical diagnosis and treatment.

Open enrollment is an important time of year. You should consider your present medical condition and also consult with your doctor about future possibilities against which you should guard. Pre Diabetes is a common example. You should opt for a policy with sound benefits for diabetes management if you have a family history of the disease and show a pre-disposition yourself. Consider if you plan to have a child in the year ahead, because it will affect your future benefits. Ask at least one registered and authorized Insurance Agent for information on all the products on offer. Choose your health insurance policy with discretion and forward vision.

Doctors are busy people and you as a patient are likely to be under a degree of stress. It can be distressing for all parties if you fail to focus your mind on the most important questions about your health, when you are with the doctor. Do not leave the Clinic without being clear about what you need to do to safeguard your health. Neither should you barge in to the doctor's room and disturb other consultations. Note down your complaint and your questions. Study the prescription with care and take time to understand it fully.

Surveys show that large numbers of people self-medicate and buy non-prescription medicine. Alternate medicine grows in popularity all the time. Neither forget nor avoid telling your doctor about any medicine that you take without prescription. It could interfere with the line of treatment and do you harm. Do not go by tall claims by unprofessional people. Many quick fixes that you see on shelves are found later to have deleterious effects. Natural products can have untold effect as they have rarely been studied in full.

Surgery and other invasive procedures will always entail a degree of risk. This is also true of some diagnostic tests such as dye injection to study blood flow. Listen carefully when the risks are explained without hitting the panic button! Do not allow yourself to be rushed unless there is an emergency. Know and use your right to a second opinion when relevant.

Your prescription is for single use by you alone. You cannot use it later on your own, nor administer it on a member of your family, especially in the cases of children and expecting mothers. The dose, timing, frequency and duration all matter and most drugs will have side-effects and possible adverse reactions. They should be used with precautions and all combinations with other medicine should be under your doctor's exclusive control.

email with any specific queries that you may have. You can also use the public space on this site.


April 08, 05

The Objectives of this site are to:

· Help you take charge of your physical and mental health.

· Prepare for consultations with your doctor.

· Enable you to use non-prescription methods to look after yourself.

· Link you to a private Internet Consultation facility.*

· Provide aids to raise your awareness of personal and public health issues.

You are always welcome to ask for other help as well!

