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Thursday, February 23, 2006

An Alternative to Expensive Cholesterol Reducing Prescriptions

High cholesterol is a risk for health and longevity. Your doctor would have to prescribe medicine to get your level back within the normal range, if a test were to show that you are in danger of narrowing arteries due to linings of fat.

Cholesterol lowering medicine is expensive even if your health insurance covers it, because the co-payments and next year’s premium are sure to catch up with you. So health reasons apart, it makes sense to keep fats in your blood down within safe limits from the beginning.

Cholesterol and other fats are essential parts of diet, so it is not as though you should cut out all sources of fats from your diet altogether. The amount of cholesterol that your body can use has a great deal with your lifestyle. The more you exercise, the better your body can handle the cholesterol content in your daily diet.

Balancing a diet can be a tricky task because there are so many things to keep in mind. Your primary care physician is the best person to work things out for you, or to direct you to a diet and nutrition specialist. Remember, you need your doctor’s approval before you start a program of exercise as well. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise to keep cholesterol in check, and most people adjust to a regimen to build up stamina safely and with ease.



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