Health Literacy

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Friday, February 17, 2006

A Maine Hand for the Infirm and Out of Jobs

The Maine health insurance system of guaranteed coverage is a godsend if you are not in the pink of health, work on your own, or if COBRA no longer applies in your case. States such as California and Texas leave such folk to fend for themselves. New Jersey is another State where older people without insurance from employers can find refuge.

The freedom of States to offer varying conditions in which providers can function, mean that some companies may not function in places such as Maine. It also implies that insurance premiums are higher in States such as New Jersey than in places without guaranteed coverage, especially if you are young and fit.

Getting a national health insurance system across the country may be a distant dream, but what everyone without salaried jobs can do is to shop around, searching for States where they can find health insurance cover. The following link, retrieved in February 2006, will help you find a broker who can do the spadework for you, and find a range of offers from which you can choose.

Remember that your state of health has a major bearing on how much you pay for insurance. Leave a post here if you would like to know how you can go about reducing your chances of falling prey to expensive and debilitating illnesses.



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